Find out the latest news concerning online child predators, sex offenders and the safety of your own child. Links, tools and information to make your child's internet experience safe and predator free. internet safety, spy software, net nanny, internet safety software, filtering software, monitoring software. Internet safety tips.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The easy way kids get around filter blocked websites: Google Cache.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Do you need to know what your child is doing on the computer?

Do you need to know what your child is doing on the computer? Is your spouse cheating on you? Do you need to monitor what your employees are doing during work hours? Is someone tampering with your computer while you are away?
With Win Spy Software you will know exactly what they are doing.
Win Spy Software is a Complete Stealth Monitoring Package that can both monitor your Local PC and Remote PC. It includes Remote Install and Realtime Remote PC Viewer. Win Spy Software will capture anything the user sees or types on the keyboard. A special hotkey is used to login and access the program. Users will not be able to terminate or uninstall Win-Spy.

Know everything that happens on your or any computer in your house or office.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Youtube is the Pediophile porn supply. Monitor your kid's internet.
There are a great many secret and disgusting pornographic supply websites for the internet predator but none are as "mainstream" as
I have found many underage teenagers simulating sexual acts and dancing nasty on youtube, i can't understand why the powers that be even let this continue. I have sent many complaints to the websites executives with no replies or action. Below is a small sample of the types of videos i am talking about. Believe me when i say there are millions more and these few are the least offensive of the selection at youtube.
This video is not meant for children yet there was no parental warning or anything and anyone of any age could view it. I am appalled.
There are far more on this website and i would suggest you find the software in the sidebar and monitor your children and teens internet usage. Once these videos are submitted by these children there is no getting it back.
A good parent spies on their children.
This is an example of the things that are going on at teen clubs across the country.
Again no age warnings or restrictions.
A good parent spies on their kids. Locate these clubs and inform your congressman. Help me complain to youtube officiials and make these videos at least harder to submit bu underage children.

National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
I have found many underage teenagers simulating sexual acts and dancing nasty on youtube, i can't understand why the powers that be even let this continue. I have sent many complaints to the websites executives with no replies or action. Below is a small sample of the types of videos i am talking about. Believe me when i say there are millions more and these few are the least offensive of the selection at youtube.
This video is not meant for children yet there was no parental warning or anything and anyone of any age could view it. I am appalled.
There are far more on this website and i would suggest you find the software in the sidebar and monitor your children and teens internet usage. Once these videos are submitted by these children there is no getting it back.
A good parent spies on their children.
This is an example of the things that are going on at teen clubs across the country.
Again no age warnings or restrictions.
A good parent spies on their kids. Locate these clubs and inform your congressman. Help me complain to youtube officiials and make these videos at least harder to submit bu underage children.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What a good parent knows instinctively. Snoop, spy and observe.

Go with your gut feeling.
How many times have you found yourself watching your neighbors across the street through the corner of window? Something about them just seems suspicious, and your gut is telling you that you have a criminal or dangerous neighbor. You are no private investigator but you know that you see strange people coming and going at all hours, and his house has been broken into three times in the last month. You find yourself wondering why. Is he a drug dealer?
Your daughter calls from school to ask can she do homework by her friends house because they have a science project and her friend has the better equiptment to get the project done, do you let her go? That's always a touchy and trick scenario, you know her friend so you say yes, never once wondering if you really know her parents. The secret to being a great parent and not just a birth parent is information. You have to know and see dangers before they are even dangers.
If you have ever found yourself in one of these situations, and had an overwhelming urge to find out the truth, you may make a terrific parent. If you have never even gave thought to any of these scenarios you are seriously lacking and are putting your child in harms way unintentionally.
A good parent will snoop through a child's bedroom with no guilt.
A good parent will snoop through cell phone numbers and copy them down just in case.
A good parent will know where their child is at all times, maybe not exactly but generally.
A lot of modern parents think all three of those things are invasions of privacy. They are not good parents. They are friends. kids want friends, kids need parents.
and if you really want to be a good parent, check into every one who is responsible for your children for even minimal lengths of time, teachers, bus drivers, friends parents, coaches, all and everyone. I have went out to the bus and asked the school bus driver for his name and used that information to run a criminal background check. I am a good parent.
The best background criminal check website ..Or read another article.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Most people are hurt by those they know. Check them out first.

Any serious survey will show clearly that those who get swindled are those who don’t do thorough examine backgrounds of their prospective friends and acquaintances. As a new employee coming entering a company, you want to know that this company is fair to those they hire. As the employer or business owner, you want to be sure that this guy is not someone who will quit when things get rocky, or who will make things rocky in the first place. A basic background check can put your mind at ease. Isn't it easier just to find out?
Even if you are an individual that is just looking to find new friends online it is always better to be safe than sorry. In todays world it is much easier to be sorry and much faster also. You have to question the character of anyone you meet, as sad as that is to have to say.
Read Complete Article.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Keeping kids indoors makes brings them in contact with online predators more.
Low income Kids who are kept indoors for long periods of time are far more likely to fall victim to online predators than those allowed to go out more, claims a new survey.
According to the study, worried parents, in order to protect their children from street dangers, are exposing their kids to dangerous online situations and predators at home.
The experts said that by trying to confine the kids within the house, the parents were actually increasing their kids time spent online looking for ways to entertain themselves.
Based at the London School of Economics, the survey revealed that more than one in four young people in the UK has received “unwanted sexual comments” while using the internet as compared with just one in 10 in other parts of the world.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Falsely accused. Story of a railroaded pedophile.

With Identity theft on the rise, the assumption is you'll lose your money, which can be replacesd. But Simon Bunce lost his job, his father and more when he was arrested after an ID theft used his credit card details on a child pornography website.
Simon Bunce used to be a avid internet shopper, happy to escape the crowds and have purchases delivered to his home. Wary of fly-by-night establishments, he bought only from big name retailers with uber-secure websites.
But then, four years ago, he was surprised to find himself embroiled in Operation Ore, the UK's largest ever police hunt against internet pedophiles. He was arrested on suspicion of possession of indecent images of child pornography, accused of downloading indecent images of children and conspiracy to distribute indecent images of children.
Police took from him his computer and data storage devices, flash drives, CDs and even floppy disks, and even examined his computer and storage devices that he used at work. "That was really humiliating".
The effect was devastating. When his employers became aware of the reason he had been arrested, he was immediately fired from his $200,000 a year job, and close members of his family disowned an ignored him.
"I made the mistake of telling my father, and he disowned me," Mr Bunce says. "He then told all my family and they did the same."
Suddenly humiliated and with no income, Mr Bunce had to consider selling his family home. His wife, Kim, stuck by his side throughout the horrible ordeal, and supported his mission to clear up his name.
Mr Bunce knew he was innocent - he had never downloaded indecent images, and so he knew that the police would not find any evidence on the computers or storage devices they had confiscated.
The police's computer technicians took several months to examine the confiscated devices, and Mr Bunce could not afford to wait to repair the damage done to his reputation. "I knew there'd been a horrible mistake made and so I had to investigate it myself."
Identity theft occurs when personal information is used by someone else to obtain credit, goods or other services fraudulently. Recent surveys suggest that as many as one in four people have been affected by it, more if you use the internet frequently. In 2007 more than 185,000 cases of identity theft were identified by Cifas, the UK's fraud prevention service, an increase of almost 8% on 2006.
Complete BBC story.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Monday, September 29, 2008
teacher has sex with 13 year old student and gets 6 years.

OMAHA, Nebraska (AP) -- A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.
Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.
She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher.
Read complete story on CNN
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Friday, September 26, 2008
FBI Child Predator Sting Nabs 61. Online crime attack working.

FRESNO, Calif.—U.S Attorney McGregor W. Scott and area law enforcement officials announced today the results of a recent month-long multi-agency enforcement operation that targeted persons responsible for the sexual exploitation of minors. Coordinated under the auspices of the United States Department of Justice Project Safe Childhood program, the local enforcement—Operation Valley Predator II—involved state and federal parole and probation searches and compliance checks, the execution of new state and federal search warrants, resulting in state and federal criminal charges being filed against numerous individuals.
During the operation, which took place from July 27, 2008, through August 22, 2008, teams of law enforcement officers from more than 22 federal, state, and local agencies throughout the Central Valley made contact with 377 individuals, executed at least 19 state and federal search warrants, and arrested 61 persons on a variety of offenses ranging from child pornography crimes to failing to comply with state-mandated sex offender registration statutes. Read Source.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Best way to find out if someone has a felony or felonies.

Protect Yourself!
Currently there are over 6,000,000 in the U.S. that are in jail, prison, on probation or on parole. A large portion of these crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Our instant National Criminal Background Check is a comprehensive report showing felonies, misdemeanors, sex offenses and much more. Employers, investigators, and parents use our criminal record databases every day to keep them informed and safe.
Do you have a felony by mistake? Is there a felony on your record?
The doctor, the lawyer or the teacher of your kids at school could all be felons and you would never know. Neighbors, loved ones, family members the baby-sitter, felons come in all shapes, sizes, colors and walks of life. The safety of your family and loved ones can depend on who you associate with.
Worry no more.
Find out if someone has a felony right now.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Abuse victim talks about the after effects of abuse.

One of the VICTIMS of pedophile Eugene Hughes told yesterday of how being abused by Eugene Hughes led her to attempt suicide. She was speaking as more potential victims contacted the police yesterday in the light of the Guernsey Press’s reporting of Hughes being apprehended and jailed.
The woman, who asked not to remain anonymous, said Hughes had repeatedly abused her over a five-year time period.
‘I don’t trust men and I don’t trust being alone with men,’ she said. ‘It turned me into a nervous wreck.’ Continued Here
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sex offender pilot is ready to go.
Parents will be able to ask if someone close to their family is a sex offender under new pilot schemes in England.
Under the measures, police will be able to tell families if someone with access to a child has convictions or has been previously suspected of abuse.
The year-long projects will be run in Warwickshire, Cambridgeshire, Cleveland and Hampshire.
The move comes after a campaign for a US-style "Megan's law" - but the scheme falls short of a "right to know".
Calls for a scheme began after the murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne by a man already convicted of sex offences.
But some charities have warned the schemes could lead to vigilante attacks, and could drive offenders further underground.
Read complete story.

National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Under the measures, police will be able to tell families if someone with access to a child has convictions or has been previously suspected of abuse.
The year-long projects will be run in Warwickshire, Cambridgeshire, Cleveland and Hampshire.
The move comes after a campaign for a US-style "Megan's law" - but the scheme falls short of a "right to know".
Calls for a scheme began after the murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne by a man already convicted of sex offences.
But some charities have warned the schemes could lead to vigilante attacks, and could drive offenders further underground.
Read complete story.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Top 10 signs your kid is online with strangers

Your child may be in contact with an Internet predator if he or she displays any of the following warning signs:
• Downloads photos of strangers.
• Downloads pornographic images.
• Quickly turns off the computer or changes software applications when someone enters the room.
• Spends unsupervised time in chat rooms.
• Waits until other family members are asleep or out of the home before going online.
• Has received unusual phone calls or gifts or letters in the mail.
• Is very secretive about online activities and the people he or she talks to.
• Visits Web sites dealing with death, destruction, or other morbid topics.
• Uses online accounts that you do not recognize or uses multiple e-mail addresses.
• Spends countless hours on the computer, and his or her grades have dropped.
If your child does many of these things you need to find out what your child does on the internet by clicking here, immediately.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Invade your kids online privacy regularly. Right or wrong?

"Hopefully, most parents keep up with their child's account on MySpace. I know my daughter does for 4 children. She is sitting there with them. But, one father got some unexpected news when he read his son's MySpace!Hopefully, most parents keep up with their child's account on MySpace. I know my daughter does for 4 children. She is sitting there with them. But, one father got some unexpected news when he read his son's MySpace! His son was using drugs and bragging about it online with his friends"
Kids have rights? Who told you that crap? Invasion of your child's privacy is the difference between a parent and a good parent. I may be old timey but i love my kids and want them safe online and off.
A few years ago i would have said that spying and invading your children's privacy was wrong and maybe even harmful, that was before the world and the kids in it went mad. Now i routinely go through my kids myspace page and other websites, i check messages, anything i can hack into. Luckily there are programs that do all that.
There are men and women online who are experienced and eager to trap, trick or convince your child to meet with them in the real world. Some are just sickos while others are murderous sickos. You need to know what your child is up to. The new modern world is a very dangerous place with godlessness more and more evident.
Good Parents invade their kids privacy. Spying, background checks websites and talking with school teachers are all tools every parent should utilize in todays world. Be a good parent and SPY ON YOUR KIDS Tools!!!
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Man Beats Boy Caught Naked In Daughter's Room

DELTONA, Fla. -- An angry Deltona father whacked his teenage daughter's boyfriend with a metal pipe after finding the boy naked in his daughter's room.
Authorities say Raul Colon, 45, didn't even know his daughter had a boyfriend or that the youngster had been sneaking into the home for more than a year. Read entire Article..
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
pedophile posing as school boy caught and jailed.

A man who posed as a schoolboy and formed a relationship with a 13-year old girl will go to prison for two-and-a-half years.
James Chester, 22, admitted to abduction and sexual activity with an underage girl. The victim's family believed Chester was a Year 10 schoolboy. He used a fake birth certificate and a letter of support to become a pupil at St Edmund's Catholic School in Portsmouth. He attended the school for three weeks before staff became suspicious and reported him to police. A year later, Chester tried to join the City of Portsmouth Boys' School, but background checks led to him being rejected. The victim was not a pupil at either school. After forming a relationship with her, the pair went missing and were found in Northern Ireland two days later. Source
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Most children and teens ignore online danger.

A fifth of British children have met up with a stranger they first came across online.
Furthermore, one in four children aged 8 to 12 ignore the age restrictions on social networking websites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace. The survey studied 1,030 parents and 1,000 children, and found that a quarter of the parents surveyed secretly log-on to their child's social networking page to check they aren't talking to strangers. 55% of parents said they are more vigilant online now than they were a year ago. Two-thirds of the young people questioned said they posted personal information on their social networking pages, including the name of the school they go to and their mobile phone number. SOURCE
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Sexual Predator Jailed for 241,000 Child porn images.

A man police said was the "librarian" of a global internet child abuse ring has been jailed indefinitely.
Philip Anthony Thompson, of Stockton-on-Tees, will serve at least three years and nine months, but a Teesside judge warned it could be much longer.
Thompson, 27, admitted 27 charges, including causing children aged under 13 to engage in sexual activity.
The website he was involved with used "borderline-legal" images to bring together "like-minded" people.
Police have so far pinpointed 360 suspects. SOURCE
Suspects are innocent until proven guilty.
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
UK Bans travel for pedophiles.
New laws to ensure tighter controls over the movement of pedophiles have been announced by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.
The measures will include increasing the length of time child sex offenders can be banned from traveling abroad from six months to a maximum of five years. The announcement comes as pedophile ex-popstar Garry Glitter, whose real name is Paul Francis Gadd, was released from prison in Vietnam. He was convicted in 2006 for molesting two Vietnamese girls aged 11 and 12. The new changes will also see those subject to blanket travel bans having their passports confiscated automatically. A consultation is also due about the validity of pedophiles' passport and how they are issued. SOURCE

The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
The measures will include increasing the length of time child sex offenders can be banned from traveling abroad from six months to a maximum of five years. The announcement comes as pedophile ex-popstar Garry Glitter, whose real name is Paul Francis Gadd, was released from prison in Vietnam. He was convicted in 2006 for molesting two Vietnamese girls aged 11 and 12. The new changes will also see those subject to blanket travel bans having their passports confiscated automatically. A consultation is also due about the validity of pedophiles' passport and how they are issued. SOURCE
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Richard Daniel Vorreyer gets 50 years for child molestation.
A 50-year-old Perry man was sentenced this afternoon to 25 years in prison without parole for child molestation, a Houston County prosecutor says.
Richard Daniel Vorreyer was sentenced immediately after pleading guilty to two counts of aggravated sexual battery for acts committed against two children, ages seven and nine, Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke said.
Vorreyer confessed his actions to a local church and then on his own accord turned himself into Perry police on March 23. He confessed to the molestation of the two children and more than a dozen others dating back more than 30 years, the prosecutor said.
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Richard Daniel Vorreyer was sentenced immediately after pleading guilty to two counts of aggravated sexual battery for acts committed against two children, ages seven and nine, Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke said.
Vorreyer confessed his actions to a local church and then on his own accord turned himself into Perry police on March 23. He confessed to the molestation of the two children and more than a dozen others dating back more than 30 years, the prosecutor said.
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The coolest thing you can do on a cell phone no one knows.

i did the coolest thing with my phone a while ago. I actually used it to do a background check on my daughters soccer coach.
I was waiting around for the practice to end and got bored in the van waiting. I was goofing with my iphone as i usually am when doing nothing and i called up the netdetective site on the browser and low and behold the search box showed up. I entered his name and viola' i had done a background check.
Of course i was happy and could hardly wait to put this on the blog. Every tool is needed to protect our children from wrong doers and predators. I am glad i got the background check membership a few years back. The best $10 i ever spent for a year worth of anything..
A little about Net Detective from their blog.
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
Monday, September 8, 2008
registered sex offender faces life for molesting 7 yr old girl

THIBODAUX -- A 57-year-old Larose man faces a possible life sentence after a district judge found him guilty Thursday of molesting a 7-year-old girl.
Paul Edward Dufrene, a registered sex offender, was the first person tried in Lafourche Parish under a new state law that makes a life sentence the maximum penalty for molesting a child younger than 13, District Attorney Cam Morvant II said.
Dufrene, who waived his right to a trial by jury in favor of a trial in front of District Judge Jerome Barbera III, was convicted of molesting the girl while she and her siblings watched a movie at the Dufrene’s house.
The girl, who is not related to Dufrene, and her siblings testified against Dufrene. Shannan Gros, director of the Lafourche Children’s Advocacy Center, and several doctors also testified during the one-day trial.
Barbera announced his decision immediately after closing remarks wrapped about 4 p.m.
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your teenages do on the internet. Even passwords
What do teens do online? Good parents know. Find out now.

Find out what your teenager is doing while online. Be a good parent.
I know a few of you are going to be think that it is wrong to spy on your teens on the computer. Well i have an explanation why it is not wrong. Teenagers do immature stuff, constantly and repeatedly. Teenagers also attract spyware and viruses. Why should you have to fix your computer every single week because of spyware? Find out where they are visiting and where the spyware is coming from.
Imagine being able to check up and see if they are lying about stuff you think they are lying about but just don't have proof enough to confront them with. Spying on teenagers occasionally is essential! At least every once in a while. This doesn't make you a bastard, this makes you a good parent. Are you missing steps on your quest to be a good parent parent? Good parents keep up with their teens activities. Here are a few reasons and statisics...
1. An estimated 725,000 children have been aggressively pursued for sex online
2. 2 out of 4 teens were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex.
3. 2 out of 5 teens were solicited for sex on the Internet.
4. 50 percent of people have made phone calls with someone they chatted with online.
5. Predators use the Internet far more than school yards as "hunting grounds."
These facts change your mind about spying? It should...
Find out everything your teen is doing on the Internet on the computer. This includes finding out your teens passwords!
This program finds out everything they do online, every website and even takes a picture of the screen when they type in keywords you edit like sex and weed and meet me. This is high tech on a teens behind.
This program Runs VERY Secretly, your teens will not be able to cut it off.
As with all of our monitoring software, IamBigBrother runs in total secrecy, and is very hard to find. IamBigBrother will not slow down your computer, or do anything noticeable to the user. We test many of these, and THIS is the best. You may wonder how you see the recorded information if it is so hidden...all you do is enter your secret password, and IamBigBrother will activate...but only for you! IamBigBrother does NOT appear in the START menu, nor will it appear in the CTRL-ALT-DEL Task Manager.
The big 3 in finding information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out everything your kid does online, including passwords and websites.
Online Background Checks Find anyone in America fast. Unlimited searches less than $10 a year.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Online Predator statistics. Amazing.
Online child predators are becoming more bold.
1. An estimated 725,000 people have been aggressively pursued for sex online
2. 1 out of 4 children were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex.
3. 1 out of 5 kids were solicited for sex on the Internet.
4. 50 percent of people have made phone calls with someone they chatted with online.
Predators are using the internet to trap, trick and eventually meet your child. This blog is my attempt to help parents avoid these pitfalls.
Find out everything your kid does online, including passwords and websites.
1. An estimated 725,000 people have been aggressively pursued for sex online
2. 1 out of 4 children were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex.
3. 1 out of 5 kids were solicited for sex on the Internet.
4. 50 percent of people have made phone calls with someone they chatted with online.
Predators are using the internet to trap, trick and eventually meet your child. This blog is my attempt to help parents avoid these pitfalls.
Find out everything your kid does online, including passwords and websites.
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