Find out what your teenager is doing while online. Be a good parent.
I know a few of you are going to be think that it is wrong to spy on your teens on the computer. Well i have an explanation why it is not wrong. Teenagers do immature stuff, constantly and repeatedly. Teenagers also attract spyware and viruses. Why should you have to fix your computer every single week because of spyware? Find out where they are visiting and where the spyware is coming from.
Imagine being able to check up and see if they are lying about stuff you think they are lying about but just don't have proof enough to confront them with. Spying on teenagers occasionally is essential! At least every once in a while. This doesn't make you a bastard, this makes you a good parent. Are you missing steps on your quest to be a good parent parent? Good parents keep up with their teens activities. Here are a few reasons and statisics...
1. An estimated 725,000 children have been aggressively pursued for sex online
2. 2 out of 4 teens were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex.
3. 2 out of 5 teens were solicited for sex on the Internet.
4. 50 percent of people have made phone calls with someone they chatted with online.
5. Predators use the Internet far more than school yards as "hunting grounds."
These facts change your mind about spying? It should...
Find out everything your teen is doing on the Internet on the computer. This includes finding out your teens passwords!
This program finds out everything they do online, every website and even takes a picture of the screen when they type in keywords you edit like sex and weed and meet me. This is high tech on a teens behind.
This program Runs VERY Secretly, your teens will not be able to cut it off.
As with all of our monitoring software, IamBigBrother runs in total secrecy, and is very hard to find. IamBigBrother will not slow down your computer, or do anything noticeable to the user. We test many of these, and THIS is the best. You may wonder how you see the recorded information if it is so hidden...all you do is enter your secret password, and IamBigBrother will activate...but only for you! IamBigBrother does NOT appear in the START menu, nor will it appear in the CTRL-ALT-DEL Task Manager.
The big 3 in finding information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out everything your kid does online, including passwords and websites.
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