i did the coolest thing with my phone a while ago. I actually used it to do a background check on my daughters soccer coach.
I was waiting around for the practice to end and got bored in the van waiting. I was goofing with my iphone as i usually am when doing nothing and i called up the netdetective site on the browser and low and behold the search box showed up. I entered his name and viola' i had done a background check.
Of course i was happy and could hardly wait to put this on the blog. Every tool is needed to protect our children from wrong doers and predators. I am glad i got the background check membership a few years back. The best $10 i ever spent for a year worth of anything..
A little about Net Detective from their blog.
The big 2 in finding instant predator information.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.
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