"Hopefully, most parents keep up with their child's account on MySpace. I know my daughter does for 4 children. She is sitting there with them. But, one father got some unexpected news when he read his son's MySpace!Hopefully, most parents keep up with their child's account on MySpace. I know my daughter does for 4 children. She is sitting there with them. But, one father got some unexpected news when he read his son's MySpace! His son was using drugs and bragging about it online with his friends"
Kids have rights? Who told you that crap? Invasion of your child's privacy is the difference between a parent and a good parent. I may be old timey but i love my kids and want them safe online and off.
A few years ago i would have said that spying and invading your children's privacy was wrong and maybe even harmful, that was before the world and the kids in it went mad. Now i routinely go through my kids myspace page and other websites, i check messages, anything i can hack into. Luckily there are programs that do all that.
There are men and women online who are experienced and eager to trap, trick or convince your child to meet with them in the real world. Some are just sickos while others are murderous sickos. You need to know what your child is up to. The new modern world is a very dangerous place with godlessness more and more evident.
Good Parents invade their kids privacy. Spying, background checks websites and talking with school teachers are all tools every parent should utilize in todays world. Be a good parent and SPY ON YOUR KIDS Tools!!!

National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
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