I have found many underage teenagers simulating sexual acts and dancing nasty on youtube, i can't understand why the powers that be even let this continue. I have sent many complaints to the websites executives with no replies or action. Below is a small sample of the types of videos i am talking about. Believe me when i say there are millions more and these few are the least offensive of the selection at youtube.
This video is not meant for children yet there was no parental warning or anything and anyone of any age could view it. I am appalled.
There are far more on this website and i would suggest you find the software in the sidebar and monitor your children and teens internet usage. Once these videos are submitted by these children there is no getting it back.
A good parent spies on their children.
This is an example of the things that are going on at teen clubs across the country.
Again no age warnings or restrictions.
A good parent spies on their kids. Locate these clubs and inform your congressman. Help me complain to youtube officiials and make these videos at least harder to submit bu underage children.
National Alert Registry Where do the sex offenders in your neighborhood live?
Find out what your kids do online, even passwords.